Sunday, April 10, 2011

Atlas - God Of War

In Greek myth, Atlas was the Titan who was forced to forever seperate Gaia, the earth, and her husband, Ouranos, the sky, from each other, preventing any further union from them. In one version of the myth he was turned to stone by Perseus using Medusa's head, turning him into the Atlas mountains in North Africa. He is famously shown in sculpture carrying a celestial sphere with the constelations depicted on it. This has eventually led to the misconception that he is carrying the world.

A prime example of misconception exists throughout the series as, whether deliberate or a mistake, Atlas is seen holding up the world atop of the Underworld. One reason for this could be to avoid confusion; in western society, the word 'atlas' is most commonly associated with cartography, so it would make sense for the Titan to hold the Earth rather than the Heavens. Additionally, common popular culture depictions of Atlas usually show him holding up the world, not the sky.

During the Great War, Atlas led the Titans in the battle against the Gods. He was possibly the strongest of them all, hurling mountains at the gods like mere pebbles. While Hades tried to absorb the soul of Cronos, Atlas the mighty Titan unleashed his fury by pounding the ground, causing a massive earthquake. Although he saved his Titan brethren from being captured, Atlas was then targeted by Hades. With the aid of Poseidon, Atlas� soul was successfully obtained and absorbed by Hades. Despite his capture, however, the Titans continued their battle against the gods. The weakened Atlas awoke within the deepest pits of the Underworld where his fellow Titans would meet him by the end of the war.

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